Dear students!
The Faculty of organisation and informatics provides a service which supports all those who are tackling a disability. The service is mainly focused on those already studying, who because of there certain health issues or disease need certain adjustments in their lifestyle.
We are mainly talking about physical disabilities, chronic diseases, psychological disorders, partial blindness and deafness.
If we can, we will always try and help and together build a friendly and academic environment. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to bring them forward.
Psychological advice
You can addres us either individualy or in a group if you do indeed have any questions regarding the following:
- anxiety before an oral examination,
- fear of public speaking,
- difficulties with studying,
- improving your mental health,
- adapting to the new enviroment,
- spending too much time on the internet,
- difficulties with communicating,
- personal development, and similar
The following forms of work are offered:
- individual and group counseling and interview
Useful tips
How to treat someone having an epileptic seizure
- stay with person,
- do not restrain movements of person having a seizure,
- protect them from injury - remove harmful objects from nearby. Cushion their head. Loosen any tight clothing on person
- aid breathing by gently placing them in the recovery position(on one side),
- do not put anything in their mouth,
- establish communication to know if the person has become conscious,
- encourage the person,
- do not give them anything to eat or drink until they are fully recovered,
- after a convulsive attack, the person should be placed on the left side. Remember that there is less chance of vomiting after convulsions before the person has fully recovered. For this reason, persons head should be turned sideways so that the vomit can be squeezed out of the mouth without inhaling into the lungs. Stay with the person until is fully recovered,
- call for an ambulance if seizure continues for more than 10 minutes, if person stops breathing, if a series of attacks occurs within a short period of time and if between attacks there is no regaining consciousness
Contact us
- Full Prof. Violeta Vidaček-Hainš, Ph. D. (
- Stella Lončarić, student coordinator (
Tel.: +385 42 390 862 / +385 42 390 811
Fax: + 385 42 213 413
Address: Pavlinska 2, 1. Floor, 42 000 Varaždin