BPM and DT Lab conducts research, education, knowledge transfer, research and professional projects related to the application of contemporary ICT in the field of business process management and digital transformation
Laboratory activities
The laboratory carries out activities in research, scientific, educational and practical terms with the active application through projects in the following five areas:
- Business Process Management with an emphasis on Business Process Modeling)
- Business Process Improvement by applying contemporary ICT
- Digital Transformation of enterprises and development of a methodology for its implementation in different industries
- Measuring benefits of Business Process Improvement and Measuring Organizational Performance in private and public sector
- Strategic Planning of Information Systems - SPIS
Lab members
- Assoc. Prof. Katarina Tomičić-Pupek, Ph.D. (Head of laboratory)
- Assoc. Prof. Martina Tomičić Furjan, Ph.D.
- Asst. Prof. Igor Pihir, Ph.D.
- Full Prof. Neven Vrček, Ph.D.
- Assoc. Prof. Stjepan Vidačić, Ph. D.
- Ana Kutnjak, M. Econ.
- Larisa Hrustek, M. Econ.
- Snježana Križanić, M. Inf.