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Guest lecturer Assoc. Prof. Enes Sukić, PhD on temporary challenges in scientific publishing

As part of the Time 4 Science project, Assoc. Prof. Enes Sukić, PhD from the Faculty of Information Technology and Engineering will visit FOI to deliver a lecture on contemporary challenges in scientific publishing. The event will take place on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 in the Faculty Hall.

Prof. Sukić is a renowned expert in information systems and web programming, as well as an editor and deputy editor of several leading scientific journals. He is the founder and president of UIKTEN, an organization dedicated to information and communication technologies, education, and science. One of its key initiatives is the TEM Journal, a scientific publication indexed in Web of Science and Scopus, featuring research from authors in over 90 countries.

The lecture will address the increasing pressure on researchers to publish, the evolving criteria for measuring scientific progress, and the challenges of finding high-quality publishing platforms. Special focus will be given to the obstacles faced by authors from middle-income countries, as well as the impact of AI-generated content and the shortage of qualified peer reviewers in the academic publishing landscape.

The session will be held in Serbian, with a duration of 90 minutes. The event is open to all interested participants, particularly junior faculty members.