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14th CECIIS Student International Section: from Europe to the USA

The CECIIS international conference is once again gathering a large number of students from different countries as part of the 14th Student Online Section. The leaders of the CECIIS Student Section are Full Prof. Violeta Vidaček Hainš, PhD. from FOI and Full Prof. Victoria Appatova, Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati in Ohio, USA, and Antonela Devčić, Ph.D.  

Students from FOI presented their research at the 12th Student Research Symposium in the USA

The 12th Student's Symposium on Research and Intercultural learning was held from July 10 to July 21th, 2024 at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio, Indiana State University in Terre Haute, IN and DePaul University Chicago, USA.

Summer break

The summer break at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics begins on Monday, July 29 and lasts until Friday, August 16, 2024. Enjoy your summer!

25.07.2024, 08:34
Invited lecture by Chris McGrew, Ph.D. from Indiana State University in the USA

We are extremely honored to have a invited lecture held by Chris MeGrew, Ph.D., director of the Center for Global Engagement at Indiana State University, IN, USA. The lecture was held on Wednesday, May 15 at FOI 1. The topic is Diversity and power relations in a state university.


As part of this year's national manifestation Festival of Science, on Thursday, April 25, 2024, from 12:00 to 2:00 PM at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin (Pavlinska 2), part of the University of Zagreb, an Open Day for high school graduates will be held and the wider interested public. The goal of the Open Day is to introduce students to the final grades of high schools and potentially our future students, with FOI's study programs, which graduates can enroll in after passing the state matriculation exams. Registration for the event is open HERE.


Christmas humanitarian action at FOI

In the spirit of the Christmas holidays, with a heart full of kindness, the Student Union of the Faculty of Organization and Informatics and the Center for Volunteering and Humanitarian Work of the FOI are pleased to announce the traditional Christmas humanitarian action, which will take place at the FOI on Tuesday, the 12th and Wednesday, December 13, 2023.

WAI4PwDs – Final project results and outcomes

Read the final project results and outcomes for the Europe for Citizens Project “WAI4PwDs- Web Accessibility and Other Initiatives for Persons with Disabilities in EU in Pandemic and other Crisis Times”.


Lecture about students with disabilities

Prof. Leila Kiš-Glavaš, Ph.D. from the Department of Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Science of the University of Zagreb, held a lecture about students with disabilities on 8th of May within internal FOI project "TIme 4 Science".

14.05.2018, 07:21