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CECIIS 2022 conference officially opened in Dubrovnik

After 32 years of being held in Varaždin, the 33rd international scientific conference, Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems - CECIIS 2022, was officially opened today, September 21, 2022, on the premises of the University of Dubrovnik, and for the first time in the city of Dubrovnik.

LaUNCH with MOOCs - join us at CECIIS 2022

We invite you to join us on a CECIIS 2022 parallel working lunch event in Dubrovnik with experts from RAPIDE and eDESK projects to discuss and engage in MOOC design and production. The event will be held on Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 13:30 - 15:00 CET, University of Dubrovnik (Ul. branitelja Dubrovnika 29, 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia).

FOI was among the first faculties at the University to organize a short intensive Erasmus program BIP in Split

Faculty of Organization and Informatics was a coordinator on a Erasmus+ Blended intensive program (BIP) „Transform to sustain: Sustainable future enabled by digital transformation“.

eDESK project meeting to be held at FOI in Varaždin

Since March 2021 FOI has been working with partners from Finland, Spain and Portugal on the design and development of an innovative hybrid teaching methodology in HEIs to improve the skills of higher education teachers and to offer them resources and tools for further teaching.

Erasmus+ BEE with APEX project meeting held at FOI

On Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th May 2022. project partner meeting was held for Erasmus+ project BEE with APEX Better Employability for Everyone with APEX.

RAPIDE project: hybrid consortium meeting and LTT3 activity held

On April 27th -29th , 2022 the Faculty of organization and informatics participated in the partners meeting and LTT3 activity on the project RAPIDE.

Project IC4HEDS - Certificates awarded to the students

On Thursday, 31st March 2022, last activity of the IC4HEDS project - Intensive Courses for Higher Education Students, was held at Faculty hall at Faculty of Organization and Informatics. The event regarding certification awards was held for students who successfully participated in intensive learning course programs about Digital transformation and Industry 4.0. Students were awarded with 2 ECTS points for each program. 

FOI Facilitating Introduction of E-Learning Model in Maldives

A dose of expertise from the Varazdin FOI has found its place in the distant Maldives as the Varazdin Faculty of Organization and Informatics (FOI) has implemented an e-learning system with project partners called AMED - Advancing Higher Education in the Maldives Through E-learning Development.

VIDEO: Intensive works on the renovation of Villa Oršić

The Faculty of Organization and Informatics is expanding its capacities and will soon move into the new building - Villa Oršić, which should be completely renovated by the end of this year at the latest. With the renovation, this space will become a new incubator for the development of research potentials and the implementation of teaching and extracurricular activities of students and scientists at the FOI. There is intensive work on the interior and exterior design of the space, which was filmed by a drone by students and members of the IOT Lab FOI. See a snapshot of the restoration here.

A week of development of teacher competencies was held at FOI

From 7 to 11 February 2022, a week of development of teacher competencies was held at the FOI, during which seven workshops were held. The workshops covered topics of innovative learning and teaching strategies that each teacher can apply to improve teaching in their subjects. The interest of the participants was extremely high, and the workshops were held in contact at the FOI and through the virtual room.
