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Information and Business Systems

The study enables students to obtain the competences in the field of informatics and organization that are in line with the similar studies in other European countries.

Two study programme orientations are available at the undergraduate level at FOI: Information Systems and Business Systems. After finishing these studies students receive the title Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

About the Two Study Orientations

The first four semesters of both study orientations are identical. The differences between the two are based on the selection of subjects forming the studys' core discipline, that is, on the difference between the subjects selected from particular subject categories. It should be noted that, regarding the minimum number of required ECTS credits in each given category, there is no major distinction between the two study orientations. Each student is required to earn a number of ECTS credits in the deliberate selection category. In this segment, the difference between the two programmes of study is notable. The minimum required distribution of ECTS credits established by the Faculty ensures that the students will gain the necessary knowledge to justify their academic title in their professional fields that enable them to face the challenges of professional practice.

The Programme in Numbers

The duration of the study programme Information and Business Systems is 3 years, i.e. 6 semesters. In accordance with the pre-defined classification of subjects the students are required to earn a minimum of 180 ECTS credits at the undergraduate level.

Academic Title

After successful finishing their studies students receive the title Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

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New Knowledge

Upon successful finishing their undergraduate study programmes within both study orientations the students acquire the following knowledge:

  • Fundamental knowledge of technology and infrastructure required for software development and operation of modern information systems
  • Key theoretical competencies associated with the development and implementation of software and information systems
  • Fundamental knowledge of the functioning and structure of an organization, importance of its business processes and ways in which they can be efficiently organized by applying information technology
  • Effective use of computers on the level of operating systems and office applications
  • Knowledge of network infrastructure and network administration skills
  • Database design and database administration skills
  • Programming in one of programming languages
  • Programming of web applications
  • Preparation of software development projects and business requirements formalization
  • Development of standard business information systems.

The level of knowledge and understanding of the above-mentioned areas that are acquired in the undergraduate study is sufficient to ensure a professional attitude to work and enable the students obtaining this degree to independently solve routine problems as well as those of medium complexity in practice.

Furthermore, this degree makes students capable of interpreting relevant data independently and enables them to communicate on topics of professional interest with other subjects in the same field or those outside that field in a competent way. On the one hand, the knowledge and skills specified would make students finishing the undergraduate study suitable for entry into the world of business by making them aware of the scope and dynamics of their professional field, which would encourage them to continue working on their own education and development. On the other hand, the undergraduate study provides a solid ground for the students who intend to continue their studies enabling them to successfully meet the challenges of subsequent levels of study.

Students opting for this study orientation are required to acquire specialized knowledge from the domain of information systems design and development, as well as of their implementation in organization.

This knowledge is sufficient to make them competitive in the labour market and suitable for entry into the software industry or, more precisely, companies specializing in software development and implementation. Considering their grounding in economics and organization, professionals gaining their degree in this study programme are also aware of business concepts and principles, which enables them to grasp the interdependence of an organizational and information system. This feature makes these future professionals unique among all the other students graduating from faculties which produce different profiles of IT professionals. At the undergraduate level, within the Information Systems programme, a student is required to earn a minimum number of ECTS credits in accordance with the pre-defined classification.

ECTS Credits

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Students opting for this programme are required to acquire the specialized knowledge from the domain of business management, company organization as well as IT implementation in business.

It is this knowledge that enables them to competently support a company's business processes and thus makes them suitable for positions requiring the understanding of key business and organizational concepts and principles on one hand, and an advanced knowledge related to using the latest information technology on the other. These future professionals are therefore capable of engaging in a company's current business activity and executing a wide range of positions. At the undergraduate level, during the Business Systems programme of study, a student is required to earn a minimum number of ECTS credits in accordance with the pre-defined classification.

ECTS Credits

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